D. Wayne Lee
D. Wayne LeePresident
Dr. Sandra Thompson
Dr. Sandra ThompsonArtistic Director
Jade Gill
Jade GillExecutive Director
Carolyn Starks
Carolyn StarksSecretary
Anthony Francisco
Anthony FranciscoTreasurer
Rick Adams
Rick AdamsMember
Patti Drennan
Patti DrennanMember/Ass't. Director
Maggieann W. Green
Maggieann W. GreenMember
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Norma Noble
Norma NobleMember
Torrey Purvey
Torrey PurveyMember
Terry Spigner, PhD
Terry Spigner, PhDMember/Assistant Director
Vincent Wallace
Vincent WallaceMember
Diane Wood
Diane WoodMember
LaTreece Langston
LaTreece LangstonMember
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Richard Brown
Richard BrownMember
Jessilyn Hall-Head
Jessilyn Hall-HeadMember
Ameyka Pittman
Ameyka PittmanMember
Charlie Swinton
Charlie SwintonMember

The Ambassadors Choir is a movement of individuals working in unity to bring the community together through a series of concerts that embrace the rich diversity of the music of our nation and the world.